[P.53 Chat with me]
1. 打開課本P.52, 53
2. 利用電子書,點擊P.53的 韻文 按鈕再跟讀一次
[P.54-55 Learn with me]
1. 利用電子書,點擊P.54的 動畫 按鈕了解劇情
2. 看完動畫後,回答以下問題
- Ruby's dad is trying to fix somthing. What is it? Ruby的爸爸在修理什麼
- What animal is eating on the bench? 坐在長椅上吃東西的是哪個動物
- What is he eating? 他在吃什麼
- Ruby is painting the door. What color is she painting it? Ruby想把大門漆成什麼顏色
- Who is holding a watermelon? 誰拿著西瓜
- Who is moving the box into the garage? 誰將箱子搬進車庫
- What are Pat and Daisy playing with? Pat 和 Daisy在玩什麼
- Where does Andy want to go? Andy想要去哪裡
- Mr. Domingo seems to be in a rush. What is he looking at? Domingo老師似乎很匆忙,他在看什麼
- What letter is the front gate of Ruby's house? Ruby家的大門是哪個字母?
3. 再看一次 動畫,然後在圖片中找出 window, watch, box, fox, yellow, yo-yo, zebra, zoo, water, water and yam(番薯)
[P.56 play with me]
1. 利用101頁的貼紙,幫Andy完成寄給爺爺的信件吧!
2. 可點擊P.56的 答案 按鈕對答案喔!
[workbook 習作]
1. 利用 習作電子書 完成習作第20、21頁
請家長將完成的英簿本Ww、Xx、Yy、Zz、目錄頁 拍照寄給老師以利批閱及登記成績
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